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Management Policies

Management Policies

1. Managing risk assets: Strengthening risk control and enhance capital utilization efficiency
  • Implement risk management in the lending business, improve non-performing loan recovery performance, and continuously control asset quality.
  • Strengthen risk control and monitor capital usage to maximize efficiency.
  • Seek optimal cash flow, adjust fund allocation, and enhance fund utilization efficiency.
2. Diversifying Profit Sources: Customer-centric approach to enhance customer added value
  • Enhance information efficiency and accelerate digital transformation to enhance customer experience.
  • Adjust revenue structure, strengthen various businesses and profits to increase operational flexibility.
  • Deepen the management of target customer groups and create diverse sources of income.
3. Sustainable growth and prosperity: Deepening development in all aspects of ESG to enhance sustainable operational performance
  • Improve the Bank’s own sustainable performance and enhance organizational resilience to strengthen response capabilities.
  • Strengthen communication with stakeholders, leverage financial influence, and continuously assist customers in low-carbon transition and achieving net zero emissions.