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Management Policies

Management Policies

1. Optimize asset quality and diversify profits
  • Strengthen credit quality and loan delay management and improve collection performance to reduce new nonperforming loans.
  • Develop insights into global developments, respond quickly through risk management, and make dynamic asset allocation to enhance capital efficiency.
  • Increase the percentage of demand deposits and attract cash flows of customers to boost fee income and adjust the revenue structure.
  • Develop closer relationships with core customers and expand the customer base, increase customer added value through the all-in-one approach, and create diversified revenue sources.
2. Inspect value system and improve operating efficiency
  • Pay equal attention to development of talent, technology, and governance while improving response ability and securing a strong driver of strategic development.
  • Follow a customer centric approach, take advantage of digital technologies, and value innovative financial services to enhance operating capabilities.
  • Raise risk management awareness, ensure compliance and refine internal control, and improve IT security to lay a solid foundation for the Bank.
3. Build up organizational resilience and pursue mutually beneficial sustainability
  • Understand environmental and social changes, extend influence as a bank, and continue to help customers with low carbon transformation and net-zero emissions.
  • Grasp the risks and opportunities closely, build up digital trust, enhance operating resilience, and pursue mutually beneficial sustainability for business.