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Home Financial Services
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Custody Service

Custody Service


"Custody For Discretionary Authorization" commonly known as "transacting on behalf of the client" is where an investor (either individual or corporate) entrusts certain assets (cash, stocks or bonds with a total value of over NT$ 50 million) for investment. An investment professional invests in securities as per the conditions of a contract between the two parties, and the Complete Discretionary Investment is handled and the custody element are kept separate: the investor himself decides on the custodian (such as ourselves as custodian bank) which must take responsibility for handling the assets and acts on behalf of the investor in trading when opening the account, on settlements and on account maintenance, so safeguarding the investor’s interests. The Bank has already begun acting as Custodian for Complete Discretionary Investment assets.

The custody business surrounding the Securities Investment Trust Fund

Appointment as custodian for a Securities Investment Trust forms part of the law concerning mutual fund assets.

Custody business for foreigners investing in domestic securities
  • Appointment as custodian is in accordance with the regulatory authorities’ rules regarding Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors (QFIIs) investing in domestic securities, and on their behalf the custodian applies for Securities and Futures Commission approval and opens the investment account.
  • Appointment as custodian for Overseas Chinese or Non-QFII foreigners wishing to invest on domestic securities involves the custodian applying to the Taiwan Stock Exchange and opening a securities account.
Custodian for Deposit
  • Appointment as custodian for the margin, business guarantee deposit and loss reserve of securities brokerages, futures brokerages, futures traders’ assistants, futures clearing houses, securities investment trusts, securities investment advisers.
  • The deposits held in custody must be in the form of cash (represented by fixed term deposits), government bonds or corporate bonds.
Interested in Custody Service?
Call Trust Department telephone: (02) 25597171 ext 5432, 5434, 5422