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Environmental Sustainability

Environmental Sustainability

Environmental Sustainability Management Promotion Committee

The Bank complies with the “ISO 50001 – Energy Management System” and the “ISO 14001 – Environment Management System” requirements, and established the Environmental Sustainability Management Manual and annual energy conservation objectives.

The Environmental Sustainability Management Promotion Committee of the Bank is chaired by the President. It convenes environmental sustainability management meetings and two internal audit meetings on environmental sustainability management every year. By checking the operation of all equipment, TBB can take hold of energy usage, establish environmental management goals and execute energy conservation plans to attain the annual performance targets on energy conservation and environmental management.

Environmental Sustainability Management

With regard to the environmental protection action goals, we propose five major commitments and communicate the concept to every employee in the Bank:

Environmental Sustainability Policy
With regard to the environmental protection action goals, we propose five major commitments and communicate the concept to every employee in the Bank: 1) Continuously improve energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, 2) Comply with regulatory requirements and promote environmental protection, 3) Support the procurement of energy-saving products and improve energy performance and design, 4) Ensure access to information resources and implement environmental energy programs, 5) Continuously improve environmental energy management to attain sustainable management goals.
The Bank published the “Environmental Sustainability Management Manual” on its official website, which includes “annual energy conservation goals”, “evaluation and improvement program”, and “regular review of implementation status”. The specific method includes regularly tracking the water and electricity consumption of each unit, enhancing energy conservation awareness, and holding energy saving lectures for employees and participating in energy saving promotion activities from time to time. In terms of external stakeholders, we continue to influence suppliers, customers, and the general public through procurement contracts, energy-saving loans, and environmental education programs.