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Home Sustainability
Concerned Issues and Communication Channels

Summary Table of Concerned Issues and Communication Channels

Compilation of the Topics of Concern and Communication Channels with Stakeholders
Stakeholders Importance to TBB Communication Methods, Channels, and Frequency Issues of Concern
The core value of TBB is its support for millions of SMEs across Taiwan. Customers are the core of the Bank's operations and the driving force for improving the quality of products and services.
  • Active visits, customer service hotline, and messages on the official website / irregularly
  • Organization of lectures and seminars / irregularly
  • Provide information on the Bank's products and communication application channels on the official website / permanent
  • 24-hour customer service center / permanent
  • Review of product applications and contract documents by the legal affairs unit / permanent
Corporate sustainability strategy / service quality and communication channels / corporate image / information security and personal data privacy / risk management / product and service portfolios / ethical management / compliance / information transparency / environmentally and socially friendly services
Government Agencies
TBB is government bank which is responsible for executing government policies and compliance with regulations of the competent authorities.
  • Provide financial products and services based on policies / irregularly
  • Provide recommendations and promotional education at appropriate times based on policy requirements / irregularly
  • Policy seminars and conferences and meetings of the Finance Committee of the Legislative Yuan / irregularly
  • Audits of the competent authority / Regularly and irregularly
  • Ministry of Finance business seminar on government-owned banks / regularly
Corporate governance / information security and personal data privacy / risk management / management and investment strategies / ethical management / compliance / information transparency / environmentally and socially friendly services
Employees are the basis for business operations. The Bank must create a good work environment, provides good salaries and benefits, and maintain harmonious labormanagement relations to facilitate business development.
  • Quarterly meetings of the Occupational Safety and Health Committee, Employee Welfare Committee, and Labor Retirement Reserve Supervision Committee / regularly
  • Training programs, labor-management meetings, and consultation meetings / irregularly
  • Complaint hotline / permanent
  • Announcement of complaint channels on the official website and employee portal website and the establishment of the report mailbox and dedicated lines / permanent
  • Contact person of the corporate union and human resources department / permanent
Corporate image / information security and personal data privacy / operating performance / ethical management / compliance / information transparency / labor-management relations / employee salary and benefits / diversified training and promotion / occupational health and safety
Shareholders / Investors
The support and recommendations of domestic and foreign shareholders are crucial for TBB's improvement of its performance and the quality of corporate governance.
  • Announcement of important resolutions of the shareholders' meeting on the Market Observation Post System / irregularly
  • Announcement of monthly business performance, quarterly financial statements, and annual reports on the official website / regularly
  • Shareholders' meetings and investor conferences / regularly
  • Corporate governance evaluation for listed companies / regularly
  • Shareholder services and investor relations contact persons and spokesperson system / permanent
  • Publication of information on the shareholders' meeting and the top 10 shareholders / permanent
  • Dedicated investor relations section in Chinese and English / permanent
  • Information on changes of Directors announced on the Market Observation Post System / permanent
orporate sustainability strategy / corporate governance / service quality and communication channels / corporate image / risk management / management and investment strategies / operating performance / ethical management / compliance / information transparency
Suppliers / Partners
Suppliers are the Bank's partners for maintaining the quality of products and services to improve customer satisfaction and create a sustainable environment.
  • Establish the Supplier Code of Conduct in contracts and publish tender information on the official website / irregularly
  • Interview suppliers and explain procurement standards / irregularly
  • Selection of partners with similar ESG ideals / irregularly
Information security and personal data privacy / compliance / green procurement / energy conservation and carbon reduction / supplier management
Non-government Organizations/ Charity Organization
TBB values its connections with local groups and uses different forms of cooperation with different organizations to create a better society
  • Openings for student workers each summer, co-organization or participation in fairs dedicated to providing financial services and care for the society / regularly
  • Participation in charity activities, donations to disadvantaged groups, assistance for charity or art and cultural groups, active communication with related units / irregularly
Environmentally and socially friendly services / social welfare and charity
The media is an important channel for the Bank to interact with society. TBB pays close attention to the establishment of air and smooth media communication channels.
  • Media contacts, activity media releases, active communication with business units, and interviews and press conferences / irregularly
  • Spokesperson system / permanent
Corporate image / ethical management / compliance / information transparency
External Consultants
External consultants assist the business development of the Bank, improve employees' knowledge, and provide diverse on-the-job training and lectures.
  • Active communication and training / irregularly
  • Regular evaluation / permanent
Information security and personal data privacy / risk management / compliance / information transparency / energy conservation and carbon reduction
To provide stakeholders with sufficient information, TBB set up the CSR Section on the official website which includes stakeholder section, CSR organization structure, environmental protection - coexistence and prosperity, employee care, mutual-trust, and assistance, care for the society - social welfare and charity, latest news, and feedback for stakeholders to inquire information and provide feedback.