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Home Financial Services
Banking Services
Digital Banking

Digital Banking Services

About Digital Banking Services

The financial services offered by the Bank to its clients include the following electronic means to access account information, transfer NTD or foreign currency amounts, make credit card and other payments, file transfer and business applications.

General Network Banking

Allows individual as well as corporate clients to use electronic transmission systems via their ISP to perform all manner of financial transactions with the Bank.

Corporate Network Banking

Allows corporate clients to use electronic transmission systems via their ISP to perform all manner of financial transactions with the Bank.

Value Added Electronic Banking

Corporate or individual clients can use the Bank's software and IC card-readers, and through a modem and dedicated line, go on line with the Bank to affect a wide variety of transactions.

Phone Banking

Allows individual and corporate clients to effect financial transactions with the Bank via the telephone network.

Physical ATMs

Allows card holders to use ATMs throughout Taiwan for financial transactions such as making deposits, withdrawing cash, making transfers and payments, and for balance enquiry.

The internet e-ATM

Those clients holding a chip card and reader can log on to the Bank's e-ATM website via the internet in order to make transfers and payments, check balances.