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Corporate Governance
Board of Directors
Professional qualifications and independence of directors

Professional qualifications and independence of directors

Professional qualifications and independence
Taiwan Business Bank's board of directors is composed of 15 directors (including 5 independent directors), of which 8 directors are appointed by the major shareholder Ministry of Finance, Bank of Taiwan and National Development Fund , Executive Yuan. The directors are university professors, senior civil servants or Professional managers generally have experience and expertise in banking, accounting, financial, securities, risk management and other fields.As of 2023, The average term of board of directors is 2.9 years.
Based on their professionalism, experience and independence, directors exercise their functions and powers in accordance with laws, articles of association or resolutions of the shareholders' meeting, guide the company's sustainable development strategy, approve budgets and final accounts, supervise internal audit work, implement supervision and management, and be responsible to shareholders.